Note: This API documentation is for FAKE version 4. The migration API documentation can be found here. The API documentation for the new fake 5 modules can be found here


Contains functions which allow basic operations on git repositories. All operations assume that the CommandHelper can find git.exe.

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
clone workingDir repoUrl toPath
Signature: workingDir:string -> repoUrl:string -> toPath:string -> unit

Clones a git repository.


  • workingDir - The working directory.
  • repoUrl - The URL to the origin.
  • toPath - Specifes the new target subfolder.
Signature: workingDir:string -> repoUrl:string -> branchName:string -> toPath:string -> unit

Clones a single branch of a git repository.


  • workingDir - The working directory.
  • repoUrl - The URL to the origin.
  • branchname - Specifes the target branch.
  • toPath - Specifes the new target subfolder.
Signature: repositoryDir:string -> unit

Cleans a directory by removing all files and sub-directories.


  • repositoryDir - The path of the directory to clean.
init repositoryDir bare shared
Signature: repositoryDir:string -> bare:bool -> shared:bool -> unit

Inits a git repository.


  • repositoryDir - The path of the target directory.
  • bare - If the new directory is a bare directory.
  • shared - Specifies that the git repository is to be shared amongst several users. This allows users belonging to the same group to push into that repository.