This is part of the Fake.Core.Target module.


Provides functions and operators to deal with FAKE targets and target dependencies.

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
( ? ) f s
Signature: f:('?11857 -> '?11858) -> s:'?11857 -> '?11858
Type parameters: '?11857, '?11858

Allows to use Tokens instead of strings

( ?<- ) f str action
Signature: f:('?11860 -> '?11861 -> '?11862) -> str:'?11860 -> action:'?11861 -> '?11862
Type parameters: '?11860, '?11861, '?11862

Allows to use Tokens instead of strings for TargetNames

( ?=> ) x y
Signature: x:string -> y:string -> string

Defines a soft dependency. x must run before y, if it is present, but y does not require x to be run.

( <=? ) y x
Signature: y:string -> x:string -> string

Defines a soft dependency. x must run before y, if it is present, but y does not require x to be run.

( <== ) x y
Signature: x:string -> y:string list -> unit
( <=> ) x y
Signature: x:string -> y:string -> string

Defines that x and y are not dependent on each other but y is dependent on all dependencies of x.

( =?> ) x (y, condition)
Signature: x:string -> (y:string * condition:bool) -> string

Defines a conditional dependency - y is dependent on x if the condition is true

( ==> ) x y
Signature: x:string -> y:string -> string

Defines a dependency - y is dependent on x