Signature: string
Returns the NuGet meta data from the given package file name.
packageFileName - The .nuspec package file name.
Default NuGet feed
Signature: packagesFile:string -> NuGetDependency list
Returns the dependencies from specified packages.config file
getLatestPackage repoUrl packageName
Signature: repoUrl:string -> packageName:string -> NugetPackageInfo
Gets the latest published package from NuGet feed by package id.
repoUrl - Query endpoint of NuGet search service
packageName - The package to get
Signature: nuspec:string -> NuSpecPackage
Parses nuspec metadata from a nuspec file.
nuspec - The .nuspec file content.
getPackage repoUrl packageName version
Signature: repoUrl:string -> packageName:string -> version:string -> NugetPackageInfo
Gets a Package information from NuGet feed by package id.
repoUrl - Query endpoint of NuGet search service
packageName - The package to get
version - The specific version to get
GetPackageVersion deploymentsDir package
Signature: deploymentsDir:string -> package:string -> string
Gets the version no. for a given package in the deployments folder
NuGet setParams nuspecOrProjectFile
Signature: setParams:(NuGetParams -> NuGetParams) -> nuspecOrProjectFile:string -> unit
Creates a new NuGet package, and optionally publishes it.
Template parameter substitution is performed when passing a .nuspec
setParams - Function used to manipulate the default NuGet parameters.
nuspecOrProjectFile - The .nuspec file name.
Signature: unit -> NuGetParams
NuGet default parameters
NuGetPack setParams nuspecOrProjectFile
Signature: setParams:(NuGetParams -> NuGetParams) -> nuspecOrProjectFile:string -> unit
Creates a new NuGet package based on the given .nuspec or project file.
Template parameter substitution is performed when passing a .nuspec
setParams - Function used to manipulate the default NuGet parameters.
nuspecOrProjectFile - The .nuspec or project file name.
Signature: setParams:(NuGetParams -> NuGetParams) -> nuspecOrProjectFile:string -> unit
Creates a new NuGet package based on the given .nuspec or project file.
The .nuspec / projectfile is passed as-is (no templating is performed)
setParams - Function used to manipulate the default NuGet parameters.
nuspecOrProjectFile - The .nuspec or project file name.
Signature: setParams:(NuGetParams -> NuGetParams) -> unit
Publishes a NuGet package to the nuget server.
setParams - Function used to manipulate the default NuGet parameters.
Signature: version:string -> string
Creates a string which tells NuGet that you require exactly this package version.
RequireRange breakingPoint version
Signature: breakingPoint:BreakingPoint -> version:string -> string
searchByTitle repoUrl packageName
Signature: repoUrl:string -> packageName:string -> NugetPackageInfo list
Search NuGet query endpoint for packages macthing given name by title
repoUrl - Query endpoint of NuGet search service
packageName - The package to search for