This is part of the Fake.Installer.Squirrel module.
Contains types and utility functions related to creating Squirrel installer.
Function or value | Description |
Signature: nugetPackage:string -> setParams:(ReleasifyParams -> ReleasifyParams) -> unit
Creates a Squirrel installer for given NuGet package
Will fail if Squirrel terminates with non-zero exit code.
setParams - Function used to manipulate the default SquirrelParams value.
nugetPackage - The package to create an installer for
Sample usage
Target.create "CreatePackage" (fun _ ->
Squirrel.releasify "./my.nupkg" (fun p -> { p with ReleaseDir = "./squirrel_release")
Defaults for setParams
ReleaseDir - ""
WorkingDir - None
BootstrapperExe - None
LoadingGif - None
SetupIcon - None
NoDelta - false
NoMsi - false
MsiWin64 - false
ToolPath - The squirrel.exe path if it exists in a subdirectory of the current directory.
TimeOut - 10 minutes
SignExecutable - None
SigningKeyFile - None
SigningSecret - None
FrameworkVersion - None
AdditionalArguments - None A string with additional arguments that will be added to the command line