Note: This is the migration API reference for FAKE 5. The new (modularized) API documentation can be found
If the API is already migrated you can check here if exists in a module.
More information regarding the migration can be found here
Static members
Static member | Description |
Signature: (stateFromFirstElement:('?18955 -> '?18956) * foldState:('?18956 -> '?18955 -> '?18956) * resultFromState:('?18956 -> '?18957) * elementParser:ArgumentParser<'?18958,'?18955> * firstElementParser:ArgumentParser<'?18958,'?18955> option * resultForEmptySequence:(unit -> '?18957) option) -> ArgumentParser<'?18958,'?18957>
Type parameters: '?18955, '?18956, '?18957, '?18958 Attributes: [<NoDynamicInvocation>] |