Note: This is the migration API reference for FAKE 5. The new (modularized) API documentation can be found here. If the API is already migrated you can check here if exists in a module. More information regarding the migration can be found here


Specifies the source channel for the installation.

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
Signature: branchName:'?14863 -> '?14863 option
Type parameters: '?14863

Branch name. For example, release/2.0.0, release/2.0.0-preview2, or master (for nightly releases).

Signature: string option

Most current release.

Signature: string option

Long-Term Support channel (most current supported release).

Version major minor
Signature: major:int -> minor:int -> string option

Two-part version in X.Y format representing a specific release (for example, 2.0 or 1.0).