Nested types and modules
Type | Description |
CliArguments |
A type for MSBuild task parameters |
Functions and values
Function or value | Description | || setParams project
Signature: setParams:(MSBuildParams -> MSBuildParams) -> project:string -> unit
Runs a MSBuild project Parameters
namespace Fake
namespace Fake.DotNet
val buildMode : string
val setParams : defaults:MSBuildParams -> MSBuildParams
val defaults : MSBuildParams
type MSBuildParams =
{ ToolPath: string WorkingDirectory: string Targets: string list Properties: (string * string) list MaxCpuCount: int option option DoRestore: bool NoLogo: bool NodeReuse: bool RestorePackagesFlag: bool ToolsVersion: string option ... } member WithEnvironment : map:Map<string,string> -> MSBuildParams static member Create : unit -> MSBuildParams union case Option.Some: Value: 'T -> Option<'T>
union case MSBuildVerbosity.Quiet: MSBuildVerbosity
module MSBuild
from Fake.DotNet val build : setParams:(MSBuildParams -> MSBuildParams) -> project:string -> unit
Signature: setParams:(MSBuildParams -> MSBuildParams) -> MSBuildParams * string
Signature: outputPath:string -> projectFile:string -> unit
Builds the given web project file with debug configuration and copies it to the given outputPath. Parameters
Signature: setParams:(MSBuildParams -> MSBuildParams) -> outputPath:string -> configuration:string -> projectFile:string -> unit
Builds the given web project file in the specified configuration and copies it to the given outputPath. Parameters
Signature: outputPath:(MSBuildParams -> MSBuildParams) -> projectFiles:string -> seq<string> -> unit
Builds the given web project files with debug configuration and copies them to the given websiteDir. Parameters
Signature: setParams:(MSBuildParams -> MSBuildParams) -> outputPath:string -> configuration:string -> projectFiles:seq<string> -> unit
Builds the given web project files in specified configuration and copies them to the given outputPath. Parameters
Signature: string
Attributes: [<Obsolete("Implementation detail.")>] |
OBSOLETEImplementation detail. |
Signature: setParams:(MSBuildParams -> MSBuildParams) -> outputPath:string -> targets:string -> properties:(string * string) list -> projects:seq<string> -> string list
Builds the given project files or solution files and collects the output files. Parameters
Signature: setParams:(MSBuildParams -> MSBuildParams) -> outputPath:string -> targets:string -> projects:seq<string> -> string list
Builds the given project files or solution files and collects the output files. Parameters
Signature: setParams:(MSBuildParams -> MSBuildParams) -> outputPath:string -> targets:string -> projects:seq<string> -> string list
Builds the given project files or solution files and collects the output files. Parameters
Signature: setParams:(MSBuildParams -> MSBuildParams) -> outputPath:string -> properties:(string * string) list -> targets:string -> projects:seq<string> -> string list
Builds the given project files or solution files in release mode and collects the output files. Parameters
MSBuild.runWithDefaults targets projects
Signature: targets:string -> projects:seq<string> -> string list
Builds the given project files or solution files in release mode to the default outputs. Parameters
Signature: setParams:(MSBuildParams -> MSBuildParams) -> outputPath:string -> targets:string -> properties:(string -> (string * string) list) -> projects:seq<string> -> string list
Builds the given project files and collects the output files. Parameters