please use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use TeamCity instead
Contains helper functions which allow FAKE to communicate with a TeamCity agent
Nested types and modules
Type | Description |
TeamCityDotNetCoverageTool |
OBSOLETEplease use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use Trace.publish instead |
Module | Description |
TeamCityBuildParameters |
OBSOLETEplease use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use TeamCity.BuildParameters instead TeamCity build parameters See Predefined Build Parameters documentation for more information |
TeamCityChangedFiles |
OBSOLETEplease use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use TeamCity.Environment.ChangedFiles instead Get files changed between builds in TeamCity |
Functions and values
Function or value | Description |
Signature: name:string -> message:string -> details:string -> expected:string -> actual:string -> unit
Attributes: [<Obsolete("please use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use Trace.<> instead")>] |
OBSOLETEplease use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use Trace.<> instead Reports a failed comparison. |
Signature: text:string -> string
Attributes: [<Obsolete("please use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use the Trace module instead")>] |
OBSOLETEplease use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use the Trace module instead Encapsulates special chars |
FinishTestCase testCaseName duration
Signature: testCaseName:string -> duration:TimeSpan -> unit
Attributes: [<Obsolete("please use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use Trace.<> instead")>] |
OBSOLETEplease use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use Trace.<> instead Finishes the test case. |
Signature: testSuiteName:string -> unit
Attributes: [<Obsolete("please use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use Trace.<> instead")>] |
OBSOLETEplease use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use Trace.<> instead Finishes the test suite. |
Signature: unit -> string option
Attributes: [<Obsolete("please use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use TeamCity.Environment.Branch instead")>] |
OBSOLETEplease use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use TeamCity.Environment.Branch instead Get the branch of the main VCS root |
Signature: unit -> bool
Attributes: [<Obsolete("please use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use TeamCity.Environment.IsDefaultBranch instead")>] |
OBSOLETEplease use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use TeamCity.Environment.IsDefaultBranch instead Get if the current branch is the one configured as default |
Signature: unit -> string option
Attributes: [<Obsolete("please use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use TeamCity.Environment.BranchDisplayName instead")>] |
OBSOLETEplease use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use TeamCity.Environment.BranchDisplayName instead Get the display name of the branch as shown in TeamCity See the documentation for more information |
Signature: unit -> seq<string> option
Attributes: [<Obsolete("please use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use TeamCity.Environment.RecentlyFailedTests instead")>] |
OBSOLETEplease use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use TeamCity.Environment.RecentlyFailedTests instead Name of recently failing tests See the documentation for more information |
IgnoreTestCase name message
Signature: name:string -> message:string -> unit
Attributes: [<Obsolete("please use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use Trace.<> instead")>] |
OBSOLETEplease use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use Trace.<> instead Ignores the test case. |
Signature: name:string -> message:string -> details:string -> unit
Attributes: [<Obsolete("please use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use Trace.<> instead")>] |
OBSOLETEplease use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use Trace.<> instead Ignores the test case. |
Signature: path:string -> unit
Attributes: [<Obsolete("please use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use Trace.publish instead")>] |
OBSOLETEplease use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use Trace.publish instead |
Signature: path:string -> unit
Attributes: [<Obsolete("please use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use Trace.publish instead")>] |
OBSOLETEplease use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use Trace.publish instead Publishes an artifact on the TeamcCity build server. |
ReportBuildStatus status message
Signature: status:string -> message:string -> unit
Attributes: [<Obsolete("please use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use TeamCity.<> instead")>] |
OBSOLETEplease use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use TeamCity.<> instead Reports the build status. |
Signature: message:string -> unit
Attributes: [<Obsolete("please use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use TeamCity.<> instead")>] |
OBSOLETEplease use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use TeamCity.<> instead Reports the progress. |
Signature: message:string -> unit
Attributes: [<Obsolete("please use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use TeamCity.<> instead")>] |
OBSOLETEplease use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use TeamCity.<> instead Reports the progress end. |
Signature: message:string -> unit
Attributes: [<Obsolete("please use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use TeamCity.<> instead")>] |
OBSOLETEplease use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use TeamCity.<> instead Reports the progress start. |
Signature: string -> string
Attributes: [<Obsolete("please use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use the Trace module instead")>] |
OBSOLETEplease use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use the Trace module instead |
Signature: string -> unit
Attributes: [<Obsolete("please use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use the TeamCity.block instead")>] |
OBSOLETEplease use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use the TeamCity.block instead Close Named Block |
Signature: string -> unit
Attributes: [<Obsolete("please use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use the TeamCity.block instead")>] |
OBSOLETEplease use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use the TeamCity.block instead Open Named Block |
Signature: s:string -> unit
Attributes: [<Obsolete("please use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use the Trace module instead")>] |
OBSOLETEplease use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use the Trace module instead Send message to TeamCity |
Signature: path:string -> unit
Attributes: [<Obsolete("please use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use Trace.publish instead")>] |
OBSOLETEplease use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use Trace.publish instead Sends an Checkstyle results filename to TeamCity |
Signature: string -> unit
Sends the full path to the dotCover home folder to override the bundled dotCover to TeamCity |
Signature: path:string -> unit
Attributes: [<Obsolete("This function does not specify the type of coverage tool used to generate the report. Use 'sendTeamCityDotNetCoverageImportForTool' instead")>] |
OBSOLETEThis function does not specify the type of coverage tool used to generate the report. Use 'sendTeamCityDotNetCoverageImportForTool' instead Sends an dotcover, partcover, ncover or ncover3 results filename to TeamCity |
Signature: path:string -> tool:TeamCityDotNetCoverageTool -> unit
Attributes: [<Obsolete("please use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use Trace.publish instead")>] |
OBSOLETEplease use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use Trace.publish instead Sends an dotcover, partcover, ncover or ncover3 results filename to TeamCity |
Signature: path:string -> unit
Attributes: [<Obsolete("please use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use Trace.publish instead")>] |
OBSOLETEplease use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use Trace.publish instead Sends an ReSharper dupfinder.exe results filename to TeamCity |
Signature: error:string -> unit
Attributes: [<Obsolete("please use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use the TeamCity.<> instead")>] |
OBSOLETEplease use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use the TeamCity.<> instead Sends an error to TeamCity |
Signature: path:string -> unit
Attributes: [<Obsolete("please use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use Trace.publish instead")>] |
OBSOLETEplease use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use Trace.publish instead Sends an FindBugs results filename to TeamCity |
Signature: path:string -> unit
Attributes: [<Obsolete("please use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use Trace.publish instead")>] |
OBSOLETEplease use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use Trace.publish instead Sends an FxCop inspection results filename to TeamCity |
Signature: path:string -> unit
Attributes: [<Obsolete("please use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use Trace.publish instead")>] |
OBSOLETEplease use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use Trace.publish instead Sends an FXCop results filename to TeamCity |
Signature: path:string -> unit
Attributes: [<Obsolete("please use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use Trace.publish instead")>] |
OBSOLETEplease use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use Trace.publish instead Sends an Google Test results filename to TeamCity |
Signature: path:string -> unit
Attributes: [<Obsolete("please use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use Trace.publish instead")>] |
OBSOLETEplease use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use Trace.publish instead Sends an JSLint results filename to TeamCity |
Signature: path:string -> unit
Attributes: [<Obsolete("please use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use Trace.publish instead")>] |
OBSOLETEplease use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use Trace.publish instead Sends an JUnit Ant task results filename to TeamCity |
Signature: path:string -> unit
Attributes: [<Obsolete("please use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use Trace.publish instead")>] |
OBSOLETEplease use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use Trace.publish instead Sends an MSTest results filename to TeamCity |
Signature: string -> unit
Sends the full path to NCover installation folder to TeamCity |
Signature: string -> unit
Sends arguments for the NCover report generator to TeamCity |
Signature: string -> unit
Sends the path to NCoverExplorer to TeamCity |
Signature: string -> unit
Sends additional arguments for NCover 1.x to TeamCity |
Signature: int -> unit
Sends the value for NCover /sort: argument to TeamCity |
Signature: int -> unit
Sends the value for NCover /report: argument to TeamCity |
Signature: path:string -> unit
Attributes: [<Obsolete("please use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use Trace.publish instead")>] |
OBSOLETEplease use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use Trace.publish instead Sends an NUnit results filename to TeamCity |
Signature: seq<string * string> -> unit
Send the PartCover xslt transformation rules (Input xlst and output files) to TeamCity |
Signature: path:string -> unit
Attributes: [<Obsolete("please use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use Trace.publish instead")>] |
OBSOLETEplease use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use Trace.publish instead Sends an PMD Copy/Paste Detector results filename to TeamCity |
Signature: path:string -> unit
Attributes: [<Obsolete("please use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use Trace.publish instead")>] |
OBSOLETEplease use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use Trace.publish instead Sends an PMD inspections results filename to TeamCity |
Signature: path:string -> unit
Attributes: [<Obsolete("please use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use Trace.publish instead")>] |
OBSOLETEplease use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use Trace.publish instead Sends an ReSharper inspectCode.exe results filename to TeamCity |
Signature: path:string -> unit
Attributes: [<Obsolete("please use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use Trace.publish instead")>] |
OBSOLETEplease use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use Trace.publish instead Sends an Maven Surefire results filename to TeamCity |
sendToTeamCity format message
Signature: format:StringFormat<(string -> string)> -> message:string -> unit
Attributes: [<Obsolete("please use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use the Trace module instead")>] |
OBSOLETEplease use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use the Trace module instead Send message to TeamCity |
Signature: buildNumber:string -> unit
Attributes: [<Obsolete("please use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use Trace.setBuildNumber instead")>] |
OBSOLETEplease use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use Trace.setBuildNumber instead Sets the TeamCity build number. |
SetBuildStatistic key value
Signature: key:string -> value:string -> unit
Attributes: [<Obsolete("please use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use TeamCity.<> instead")>] |
OBSOLETEplease use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use TeamCity.<> instead Reports a build statistic. |
SetTeamCityParameter name value
Signature: name:string -> value:string -> unit
Attributes: [<Obsolete("please use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use TeamCity.<> instead")>] |
OBSOLETEplease use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use TeamCity.<> instead Reports a parameter value |
Signature: testCaseName:string -> unit
Attributes: [<Obsolete("please use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use Trace.<> instead")>] |
OBSOLETEplease use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use Trace.<> instead Starts the test case. |
Signature: testSuiteName:string -> unit
Attributes: [<Obsolete("please use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use Trace.<> instead")>] |
OBSOLETEplease use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use Trace.<> instead Starts the test suite. |
Signature: name:string -> IDisposable
Attributes: [<Obsolete("please use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use the TeamCity.block instead")>] |
OBSOLETEplease use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use the TeamCity.block instead Open Named Block that will be closed when the block is disposed
Usage: |
Signature: string option
Attributes: [<Obsolete("please use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use TeamCity.Environment.BuildConfigurationName instead")>] |
OBSOLETEplease use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use TeamCity.Environment.BuildConfigurationName instead The Name of the Build Configuration the current build belongs to or None if it's not on TeamCity. |
Signature: bool
Attributes: [<Obsolete("please use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use TeamCity.Environment.BuildIsPersonal instead")>] |
OBSOLETEplease use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use TeamCity.Environment.BuildIsPersonal instead Is set to true if the build is a personal one. |
Signature: string option
Attributes: [<Obsolete("please use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use TeamCity.Environment.BuildNumber instead")>] |
OBSOLETEplease use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use TeamCity.Environment.BuildNumber instead The Build number assigned to the build by TeamCity using the build number format or None if it's not on TeamCity. |
Signature: string option
Attributes: [<Obsolete("please use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use TeamCity.Environment.ProjectName instead")>] |
OBSOLETEplease use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use TeamCity.Environment.ProjectName instead The Name of the project the current build belongs to or None if it's not on TeamCity. |
Signature: string option
Attributes: [<Obsolete("please use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use TeamCity.Environment.Version instead")>] |
OBSOLETEplease use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use TeamCity.Environment.Version instead The Version of the TeamCity server. This property can be used to determine the build is run within TeamCity. |
TestFailed name message details
Signature: name:string -> message:string -> details:string -> unit
Attributes: [<Obsolete("please use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use Trace.<> instead")>] |
OBSOLETEplease use nuget 'Fake.BuildServer.TeamCity', open Fake.BuildServer and use Trace.<> instead Reports a failed test. |