Note: This is the migration API reference for FAKE 5. The new (modularized) API documentation can be found here. If the API is already migrated you can check here if exists in a module. More information regarding the migration can be found here


This API is obsolete. There is no alternative in FAKE 5 yet. You can help by porting this module.


Contains tasks to run expecto v2 unit tests.

Nested types and modules


This API is obsolete. There is no alternative in FAKE 5 yet. You can help by porting this module.

CLI parameters available if you use Tests.runTestsInAssembly defaultConfig argv in your code:

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
Expecto setParams assemblies
Signature: setParams:(ExpectoParams -> ExpectoParams) -> assemblies:seq<string> -> unit
[<Obsolete("This API is obsolete. There is no alternative in FAKE 5 yet. You can help by porting this module.")>]

This API is obsolete. There is no alternative in FAKE 5 yet. You can help by porting this module.