Note: This is the migration API reference for FAKE 5. The new (modularized) API documentation can be found here. If the API is already migrated you can check here if exists in a module. More information regarding the migration can be found here


Provides functions and operators to deal with FAKE targets and target dependencies.

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
( ? ) f s
Signature: f:('?17283 -> '?17284) -> s:'?17283 -> '?17284
Type parameters: '?17283, '?17284

Allows to use Tokens instead of strings

( ?<- ) f str action
Signature: f:('?17286 -> '?17287 -> '?17288) -> str:'?17286 -> action:'?17287 -> '?17288
Type parameters: '?17286, '?17287, '?17288

Allows to use Tokens instead of strings for TargetNames

( ?=> ) x y
Signature: x:string -> y:string -> string

Defines a soft dependency. x must run before y, if it is present, but y does not require x to be run.

( <=? ) y x
Signature: y:string -> x:string -> string

Defines a soft dependency. x must run before y, if it is present, but y does not require x to be run.

( <== ) x y
Signature: x:string -> y:string list -> unit
( <=> ) x y
Signature: x:string -> y:string -> string

Defines that x and y are not dependent on each other but y is dependent on all dependencies of x.

( =?> ) x (y, condition)
Signature: x:string -> (y:string * condition:bool) -> string

Defines a conditional dependency - y is dependent on x if the condition is true

( ==> ) x y
Signature: x:string -> y:string -> string

Defines a dependency - y is dependent on x