Nested types and modules
Type | Description |
BuildConfiguration |
build configuration |
BuildOptions |
dotnet build command options |
CliArchitecture |
.NET Core SDK architecture |
CliInstallOptions |
.NET Core SDK install options |
CliVersion |
.NET Core SDK version (used to specify version when installing .NET Core SDK) |
InfoOptions |
dotnet --info command options |
InfoResult |
dotnet info result |
InstallerOptions |
.NET Core SDK installer download options |
MSBuildOptions |
dotnet restore command options |
NuGetPushOptions |
nuget push paramters for |
Options |
dotnet cli command execution options |
PackOptions |
dotnet pack command options |
PublishOptions |
dotnet publish command options |
RestoreOptions |
dotnet restore command options |
TestOptions |
dotnet test command options |
Verbosity |
dotnet restore verbosity |
VersionOptions |
dotnet --version command options |
VersionResult |
dotnet info result |
Module | Description |
BuildConfiguration | |
CliChannel |
Specifies the source channel for the installation. |
Options | |
Versions |
The a list of well-known versions to install |
Functions and values
Function or value | Description | || setParams project
Signature: setParams:(BuildOptions -> BuildOptions) -> project:string -> unit
Execute dotnet build command Parameters
Signature: setParams:(InstallerOptions -> InstallerOptions) -> string
Download .NET Core SDK installer Parameters
DotNet.exec buildOptions command args
Signature: buildOptions:(Options -> Options) -> command:string -> args:string -> ProcessResult
Execute raw dotnet cli command Parameters
Signature: unit -> string
Gets the DotNet SDK from the global.json This file can exist in the working directory or any of the parent directories |
Signature: setParams:(VersionOptions -> VersionOptions) -> string
Execute dotnet --version command Parameters
Signature: setParams:(InfoOptions -> InfoOptions) -> InfoResult
Execute dotnet --info command Parameters
Signature: setParams:(CliInstallOptions -> CliInstallOptions) -> Options -> Options
Install .NET Core SDK if required Parameters
Signature: options:CliInstallOptions -> CliInstallOptions
Attributes: [<Obsolete("Please use a stable release at this point")>] |
OBSOLETEPlease use a stable release at this point .NET Core SDK install options preconfigured for preview4 tooling |
DotNet.msbuild setParams project
Signature: setParams:(MSBuildOptions -> MSBuildOptions) -> project:string -> unit
Runs a MSBuild project Parameters
namespace Fake
namespace Fake.DotNet
val setMsBuildParams : defaults:MSBuild.CliArguments -> MSBuild.CliArguments
val defaults : MSBuild.CliArguments
module MSBuild
from Fake.DotNet type CliArguments =
{ Targets: string list Properties: (string * string) list MaxCpuCount: int option option DoRestore: bool NoLogo: bool NodeReuse: bool ToolsVersion: string option Verbosity: MSBuildVerbosity option NoConsoleLogger: bool WarnAsError: string list option ... } static member Create : unit -> CliArguments union case Option.Some: Value: 'T -> Option<'T>
union case MSBuildVerbosity.Quiet: MSBuildVerbosity
val setParams : defaults:DotNet.MSBuildOptions -> DotNet.MSBuildOptions
val defaults : DotNet.MSBuildOptions
module DotNet
from Fake.DotNet type MSBuildOptions =
{ Common: Options MSBuildParams: CliArguments } member WithCommon : f:(Options -> Options) -> MSBuildOptions member WithEnvironment : map:Map<string,string> -> MSBuildOptions member WithMSBuildParams : f:(CliArguments -> CliArguments) -> MSBuildOptions member WithRedirectOutput : shouldRedirect:bool -> MSBuildOptions member Environment : Map<string,string> static member Create : unit -> MSBuildOptions type MSBuildParams =
{ ToolPath: string WorkingDirectory: string Targets: string list Properties: (string * string) list MaxCpuCount: int option option DoRestore: bool NoLogo: bool NodeReuse: bool RestorePackagesFlag: bool ToolsVersion: string option ... } member WithEnvironment : map:Map<string,string> -> MSBuildParams static member Create : unit -> MSBuildParams DotNet.MSBuildOptions.MSBuildParams: MSBuild.CliArguments
val msbuild : setParams:(DotNet.MSBuildOptions -> DotNet.MSBuildOptions) -> project:string -> unit
DotNet.nugetPush setParams nupkg
Signature: setParams:(NuGetPushOptions -> NuGetPushOptions) -> nupkg:string -> unit
Execute dotnet nuget push command Parameters
namespace Fake
namespace Fake.DotNet
val setNugetPushParams : defaults:'a -> 'a
val defaults : 'a
namespace Fake.DotNet.NuGet
union case Option.Some: Value: 'T -> Option<'T>
val setParams : defaults:DotNet.NuGetPushOptions -> DotNet.NuGetPushOptions
val defaults : DotNet.NuGetPushOptions
module DotNet
from Fake.DotNet type NuGetPushOptions =
{ Common: Options PushParams: NuGetPushParams } member WithCommon : common:Options -> NuGetPushOptions member WithPushParams : options:NuGetPushParams -> NuGetPushOptions static member Create : unit -> NuGetPushOptions DotNet.NuGetPushOptions.PushParams: NuGet.NuGet.NuGetPushParams
val nugetPush : setParams:(DotNet.NuGetPushOptions -> DotNet.NuGetPushOptions) -> nupkg:string -> unit
DotNet.pack setParams project
Signature: setParams:(PackOptions -> PackOptions) -> project:string -> unit
Execute dotnet pack command Parameters
Signature: options:CliInstallOptions -> CliInstallOptions
Attributes: [<Obsolete("Please use a stable release at this point")>] |
OBSOLETEPlease use a stable release at this point .NET Core SDK install options preconfigured for preview2 tooling |
DotNet.publish setParams project
Signature: setParams:(PublishOptions -> PublishOptions) -> project:string -> unit
Execute dotnet publish command Parameters
Signature: options:CliInstallOptions -> CliInstallOptions
Attributes: [<Obsolete("Please use a stable release at this point")>] |
OBSOLETEPlease use a stable release at this point .NET Core SDK install options preconfigured for preview4 tooling |
Signature: options:CliInstallOptions -> CliInstallOptions
Attributes: [<Obsolete("Please use a stable release at this point")>] |
OBSOLETEPlease use a stable release at this point .NET Core SDK install options preconfigured for preview4 tooling, this is marketized as v1.0.1 release of the .NET Core tools |
Signature: options:CliInstallOptions -> CliInstallOptions
Attributes: [<Obsolete("Please use DotNet.Versions.Release_1_0_4 instead")>] |
OBSOLETEPlease use DotNet.Versions.Release_1_0_4 instead |
Signature: options:CliInstallOptions -> CliInstallOptions
Attributes: [<Obsolete("Please use DotNet.Versions.Release_2_0_0 instead")>] |
OBSOLETEPlease use DotNet.Versions.Release_2_0_0 instead |
Signature: options:CliInstallOptions -> CliInstallOptions
Attributes: [<Obsolete("Please use DotNet.Versions.Release_2_0_3 instead")>] |
OBSOLETEPlease use DotNet.Versions.Release_2_0_3 instead |
Signature: option:CliInstallOptions -> CliInstallOptions
Attributes: [<Obsolete("Please use DotNet.Versions.Release_2_1_300 instead")>] |
OBSOLETEPlease use DotNet.Versions.Release_2_1_300 instead |
Signature: option:CliInstallOptions -> CliInstallOptions
Attributes: [<Obsolete("Please use DotNet.Versions.Release_2_1_300_RC1 instead")>] |
OBSOLETEPlease use DotNet.Versions.Release_2_1_300_RC1 instead |
Signature: options:CliInstallOptions -> CliInstallOptions
Attributes: [<Obsolete("Please use DotNet.Versions.Release_2_1_4 instead")>] |
OBSOLETEPlease use DotNet.Versions.Release_2_1_4 instead |
DotNet.restore setParams project
Signature: setParams:(RestoreOptions -> RestoreOptions) -> project:string -> unit
Execute dotnet restore command Parameters
DotNet.test setParams project
Signature: setParams:(TestOptions -> TestOptions) -> project:string -> unit
Execute dotnet test command Parameters
Signature: unit -> string option
Tries the DotNet SDK from the global.json This file can exist in the working directory or any of the parent directories Returns None if global.json is not found |